Hiya, everyone!
I'm ever so sorry about my fail last week - we're a woman down and I've been very ill, so I simply couldn't get it out on time.
Today, we've got some wonderful recs from hayboo05, Sophz456, and Bbebar, and we hope you enjoy them.
Happy reading!Today, we've got some wonderful recs from hayboo05, Sophz456, and Bbebar, and we hope you enjoy them.

If On a Winter's Night by Touchstone67
Official Summary: One fateful, winter's night, Edward and Jasper's lives are turned upside down. Is their relationship strong enough to withstand the aftermath, or will they be driven apart forever? Rated M for sexual situations, language. AH J/E slash
Read Bbebar's recommendation here

Men Without Eyes by danieller123
Official Summary: Bitterness meets a happy table. A new neighbor. A broken man. Reach out and touch faith. BxE AH/AU Disabledward.
Read hayboo05's recommendation here.

A Pound of Flesh by jaxon22
Official Summary: To pay a debt she owes her father, Isabella Swan starts a new job as a prison tutor. Edward Cullen, with his own debts, is the Punk Ass inmate in her class. Can they fight the odds and their dangerous attaction to learn from each other? A/H, Lemons, OOC
Read Sophz456's recommendation here.