Hey, everyone!
Sorry about the delay this week - Sophz456 wasn't feeling so good yesterday so was a bit of a fail at getting this up on time. Anywho, today we've got three recs for you from Hayboo05, Sophz456 and Bbebar.
Happy reading!
Going Down? by TexasKatherine
Official Summary: Bella Swan is a rising star in her new company, but ascending the corporate ladder is not exactly easy when you are trapped in an elevator. Rated M for language, lemons & flagrant use of snark.
Read Bbebar's recommendation here

Dead On My Feet by Cesca Marie
Official Summary: Recovering from a serious illness, Edward knows what it is to be invisible but obvious to everyone around him. Bella, who has watched a loved one die of protracted illness, understands the tightrope-act of life in an unpredictable body. Alienated by his disease, Edward finds a friend in Forks' newest resident. The only problem is that she sees far more than anyone else does – including the things he doesn't want seen.
Read hayboo05's recommendation here.

Raw and Rosy by TuesdayMidnight
Official Summary: Jasper Hale hates his high school rival Edward Cullen with a passion. What happens when Jasper discovers Edward's little secret? Spank!Fic. AH/AU/OOC. Rated M. Contains mature content.
Read Sophz456's recommendation here.
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