September 28, 2009
pjanthony4: Imperador by Mariamaral
Author's Summary: Edward is a famous porn star that works at Carlisle and Charlie's movie company with his friends Emmet and Jasper. What will happen when Charlie decides that it's time for his little girl to run the family business. Cannon couples/OOC/AH. LEMONS.
Why pjanthony4 loves it:
I found it a couple of days ago from a Twitter rec, read an enormous amount of FF (shameful but true), and this has truly owned me since I started it! I'm recommending it because in addition to the hot steaminess of this story...and it is so that! is a fabulous relationship that develops between Edward and Bella, dealing with his broken past, her inexperience, and a crazy stalker who is threatening her.
For me Edward can be many things: a hockey player, a womanizer, a doctor, a vampire, whatever, but he has to have one quality that draws me in and that's an innocence in his awakening to his feelings for Bella. I read and wait and read and wait for his breaking point, his epiphany or his acceptance of who he is or what his feelings mean. And if that's set in a lemony hot story, well the world is good! Lol! THAT'S what this story is all about!!!
Guest Review,
Recommend a Fic
September 22, 2009
tg10781: Let's Get Physical by Lalina
Author's Summary: The Goal: Lose 70lbs. The Prize: One steamy night with her personal trainer. When overweight Bella is left by her husband, she is determined to lose weight with the help of Edward Masen. What starts off as payback ends up as so much more
Why tg10781 loves it:
It's a wonderful and realistic story! (and I wish I could type more about it - but I'm off to have surgery so I cant) :( Just check it out - I promise you wont be disappointed!!
Let's Get Physical,
shackle_me: Mergers and Acquisitions by Touchstone67 and Domward's Mistress
Author's Summary: When Edward pays for a night of harmless fun, he didn't expect to get the purchase of a lifetime. Will his nights in Seattle change his whole life in Chicago? Full length story for the second place winner in the Slash/Backslash Contest. Rated M. J/E.
Why shackle_me loves it:
I'm just gonna throw this out there: I love reading boy/boy slash. LOVE it. I don't know why, but I do. That being said, I've really kind of limited myself to one-shot stories. I never thought I would be interested in a multi-chapter slash fic. But I gotta say, M & A has certainly got me hooked!
Some background on the story: Jasper (aka Escortsper) is a gay man working as a highly paid escort, but not so long ago he was living on the streets and working as a hooker. Edward (aka Mergerward) is a successful businessman who has yet to come out of the closet. Emmett is the only one who knows Edward is gay and he suggests Denali's Escorts as a way for Edward to relieve some tension while he's traveling to Seattle for business.
Edward's first foray into the world of escorts finds him paired up with Jake. Yeah, you'd think that an Edward/Jake pairing might not be so hot, right? Wrong! It doesn't matter who the pairing is, the boysexin is always panty-dropping HOT!
*stares off dreamily* Umm, what was I saying? Oh, right...Edward, escorts, boysexin...*sigh*
Anyway, Edward first notices Jasper in the bar of the hotel where he's waiting to meet Jake for an evening of hot boy-on-boy loving, and of course, he's immediately drawn to Jasper. Unfortunately, Jasper's "boyfriend" shows up before Edward can work up the nerve to talk to him. So, imagine his surprise when he sees Jasper's picture on the Denali Escorts web site and realizes that he can have least for a night.
But, what begins as one night quickly morphs into something much bigger and Edward becomes one of Jasper's regular customers. It's easy to see that these two are equally drawn to each other, but they are both hesitant to pursue anything more - both for very different reasons.
I love the way the authors write these characters. Touchstone67 writes Jasper and Domward's Mistress writes Edward. And they are so REAL. Jasper doesn't apologize for what he is - he's done what he had to do to survive his childhood and living on the streets. He's rough around the edges, and I like that. He's protective of those he cares about, like Riley. And he likes to fuck. A lot. There's no other way to put it. And I like that, too!
Edward, on the other hand, is very much in turmoil. He is constantly struggling with the fact that he's gay, but closeted. He doesn't have a problem with being gay, just that he feels like he can't be himself except when he's with Jasper. He feels that coming out would ruin his career and disappoint his father. His struggle is very true to life IMO and his pain is damn near palpable, especially after he meets Jasper.
There are some other players you should know about as well. There's Peter, the businessman that becomes Jasper's first "regular". I don't mind Peter, but I always feel like Jasper is cheating on Edward when he's with Peter because he does care for Peter. I mean, I know that Jasper is doing his job and all, but my heart hurts sometimes when Jasper is with Peter because you just know there's somethind deeper, even if it's not as strong as what he feels for Edward.
Then there's Spencer. I don't like Spencer. You won't like Spencer. He's evil and manipulative and makes me want to commit felonies. And that tells me that the authors are doing a good job!
Finally...I should warn you...the boysexin in this fic is like no other. If it's uber-hot, insanely graphic boysexin you're looking for, you're in the right place! (Hell yes!) Seriously...there's not a lemon in this story that hasn't gotten me all hot and bothered. I think that's why I love it so much. These girls are NOT shy about saying exactly what's happening in a scene. Forget cookie-cutter lovey dovey making love. This is straight up fucking for the most part. Hot, wild, fucking-like-animals fucking. And I love it!
Domward's Mistress,
Mergers and Acquisitions,
JMC: Loner by Nilla79
Author's Summary: Edward Cullen was a loner, an outcast. He clearly hated everybody, including himself. He was not a nice person. So, why was I so drawn to him? And why did I get the crazy feeling he felt the same way?.
Why JMC loves it:
Honestly, what's not to love about this fic? I started Loner a couple months back because I'd gotten on this high school Bella and Edward kicker. *shrugs* I read the summary, and instantly became intrigued. I wanted to know what happened to this particular Edward to lead him down a path of anger and self-destruction. It took only the first page to hook me.
To keep away from spoiler alerts, I'll only say that Edward's life was not a pretty one. In fact, there were situations he'd lived through that will leave your mouth agape, tears spilling down your cheeks and your heart feeling serrated. The story, it's tragic yet beautiful. Wusspervs, I'll warn you, this is an angsty morsel.
As much as it hurts to read parts - I'm a masochist with the angst - the plot, the words, everything about the story draws you in to the point you can't let go. Nilla79 has written the fic so amazingly, you can't help but feel and live what the characters are. You want to know what happens next, and you want to be a part of that world because it feels so real to you. That's how good she is at portraying the characterizations and the plot and development of the story.
You watch this transition Edward makes throughout the fic, going from being a "loner" to feeling something for someone - Bella. He grows so much emotionally as well as mentally. She's found a way through the walls and pain to make him feel something other than the darkness he's lived with for so long. She becomes his anchor, his reason to beat the past, whether he wanted it to happen initially or not. But we all know, in typical Bella and Edward fashion, no matter how hard one of them tries to fight it, they can't fight fate... and they are fated.
There's something so special about this story, I can't even put it into words. I can only say that if you aren't reading it, you are truly missing out on a beautiful piece of work.
Hayboo05: We Don't Break, We Bend by LyricalKris
Author's Summary: When the man who's supposed to love them hurts them, and the people who are supposed to save them won't listen, it falls on their shoulders to not just survive, but save each other.
Why hayboo05 loves it:
It amazes me that this story only has 589 reviews. It's incrediable on so many levels. I had a hard time writing this review, not because I couldn't think of tons of wonderful things to say about it, but because it's just too good for my words.
It's a story that stands by itself. It doesn't need recs or suggestions. It simply needs to be read.
BUT since this is a reccing site...I suppose I should tell ya why I'm reccing it. ;)
This story is angsty. I mean...I cried a couple times...angsty. It's also complete so you don't have to wait for updates. It's a short read due to the fact that the chapters are a bit on the shorter side but also because you can't stop reading it once you've started!
To the outside world, James Whitlock looks like a wonderful father, but those who live inside his house know the truth. Jasper is James' real son. After a horrible accident Jasper is taken in by his father. Sadly, James' intentions are not as heroic or fatherly as he would like people to think. After two years of beatings and verbal abuse, Jasper is about ready to just give up...
Enter Edward and Bella. Through tragic events of their own, they end up foster children in the Whitlock residence. They save Jasper. Jasper saves them. The Cullen's save them all.
They become friends with Alice and Emmett Cullen. They're invited over often and they see how it's supposed to be. No beatings, yelling, berating words. Just family.
Jasper fights with himself though about the feelings he has for Alice. He doesn't see himself or the life he leads as someone or something that he wants her around. Edward has similar thoughts about Bella but to all three of them the situation is bigger than they are.
In the end, with the help of the Cullens, they break free from the man that has darkened every day since they arrived to live with him.
Through this story all I could think about was how strong these characters were even though to themselves they seemed anything but. LyricalKris writes with such emotion that you can't help but feel it too. I really liked seeing POV's from each character. It really lets you see how differently they view things and what they think about certain situations. It's honestly one of my favorite parts of the story.
The angst factor is high but don't let that keep you from reading this story. At the end of it, all you see is strength, courage, faith, friends, and love.
We Don't Break We Bend
Bbebar: What Are The Chances by danieller123

Author's Summary: Seeing past the dirt. True beauty inside and out. Routines undone. Edward and Bella. This is life.
Why Bbebar loves it:
I chose to rec this story even though I knew it would be hard to convey the things about it which make it so special. Let me begin by saying that you haven't read another fic like this one. It is utterly unique and original. As danieller123 tells us before every update, "I am trying something new. These entries are short on purpose. Updates daily. Like pieces to a puzzle. All in Edward's POV."
Short entries mean really short. Chapter 1 is 99 words; I counted them. The pictures that danieller123 is able to paint, and the emotions she is able to convey in those handful of words is astounding.
Everyday she updates. It's like a little present in your inbox. Just like pieces of a puzzle that gradually add to the overall picture. It's like the best form of foreplay. A little kiss here, a carress there...all leading up to something you know is pretty incredible.
This is what we know so far. Edward is already an adult when the story begins. Bella is a 10 year old child. Edwards meets Bella on his daily jogs past her house. Something about her captivates him. (Not in any sexual way, don't worry) It is clear that Bella is not well taken care of. One day, as Edward jogs past Bella's house, she is not on her porch to wave to him as always. He finds her, and she has been badly abused. He takes her and runs away. They set up a new life where Edward claims to be her older brother. Each successive update fast forwards several years to where Bella is now seventeen. We know that her feelings for Edward have grown. However, Edward has continued to maintain an appropriate relationship between them.
As I write this review, WaTC has 11 chapters. It will take you maybe 15 minutes to read them all. And when you do, you will be left wanting more. You will be left waiting for that next puzzle piece to appear in your mailbox. You will be left amazed at how danieller123 has managed to create something unlike anything you've ever read. You will be left wondering how so few words can say so much.
Nothing I write here will do this story justice. I encourge you to experience this story for yourself. And it is an experience, something to be savored in small bites like fine chocolate. This is one indulgence you won't regret.
What Are The Chances
September 16, 2009
Sophz456: Raw and Rosy by TuesdayMidnight
Author's Summary: Jasper Hale hates his high school rival Edward Cullen with a passion. What happens when Jasper discovers Edward's little secret? Spank!Fic. AH/AU/OOC. Rated M. Contains mature content.
Why Sophz456 loves it:
Well, I seem to be going through a slash phase right now, going by the fact my last rec was also a slash fic, but hey ho. I love reading a bit of boy lovin’!
I’m not entirely sure how I found this fic originally, but I’m going to guess it was through one of the ladies on Twitter since it’s talked about a LOT over there. When I first read the summary, I was curious, of course, but sort of hesitant about actually reading the full story. It wasn’t anything against TuesdayMidnight (I’ve read most of her fics and absolutely adore them), but after reading stories like The Submissive/The Dominant, The Forbidden Room, etc., I doubted anything could really live up to my expectations.
Boy, was I wrong.
The story starts off with Jasper being a bit of an ass (no pun intended) to his ‘nemisis’ Edward, and the two end up almost fighting on the ground until the principal comes over and separates them. Again. They try and act all friendly so they don’t get in deep shit, but then Jasper slaps Edward’s ass as a joke and holy fuck, you know where it’s gonna go from there:
No, it was when I gave him the slightly-harder-than-friendly pat on his ass that he reacted so strangely.
Then, I finally realized it.
Edward Cullen liked to be spanked.
Oh, this was too good to pass up.
I was hooked from that moment on.
The story may not be hugely long at the moment, but the 14 chapters that are up are purely amazing and will leave you dying for more. It’s not your typical spank or slash fic – it has real meaning at the heart of it and isn’t pure PWP (which you’d kind of expect from a spank!fic). It’s also not one of your typical ‘finding yourself in high school and struggling with your sexuality’ kind of fics either – Jasper is well aware of his sexuality, and there’s no true ‘soul searching’ as such, which is good, because I find that always gets really tedious after a while.
I don’t have enough words to describe how truly brilliant this fic is, and I urge you to try it for yourself, even if you’re not a huge slash fan. It’s well worth it, believe me.
Raw and Rosy,
Hayboo05: Dead On My Feet by Cesca Marie
Author's Summary: Recovering from a serious illness, Edward knows what it is to be invisible but obvious to everyone around him. Bella, who has watched a loved one die of protracted illness, understands the tightrope-act of life in an unpredictable body. Alienated by his disease, Edward finds a friend in Forks' newest resident. The only problem is that she sees far more than anyone else does – including the things he doesn't want seen.
Why hayboo05 loves it:
Dead On My Feet owned me from the very first chapter. Between the curiosity you have about Edward's illness and the dry and somewhat morbid humor, it's hard to stop reading until you run out of chapters!
Bella is also an puzzle that has pieces missing all over the place. The rate at which you find the pieces of both puzzles is realistic though. At first glance you might think Bella is too hard on Edward but when you read further into the story you see that it's what Edward needs to become a whole person again. To be healthy in every way.
I also really enjoy Alice and Emmett in this story. Alice is younger but she's been through so much right along with Edward that at times, you forget that she's only fifteen. That is until Edward says something insensitive...then you're quickly reminded that Alice is a fragile teen. Emmett brings a lot of humor to this story as usual. He's the protective big brother that he does so well! It's actually quite funny when Em and Edward try and keep Alice from growing up..
I really like that it's not always Edward and Bella together, though, that is the best part. You get to see them separate and then you see how they change when they're together. The contrast is quite different and it just sets in stone that they are exactly what the other needs.
The most interesting part of this story is all the stuff you learn about cancer and it's effects. Not only on the person that has/had it but his or her family as well. You get to see it from both sides of the road and that is part of the intrigue. You want to learn more about every single aspect of this story.
I could seriously spend all day talking about why I love Cancerward is his Bella but instead...why don't you go read it for yourself! You won't regret it!!
Cesca Marie,
Dead On My Feet,
Bbebar: Going Down? by TexasKatherine
Author's Summary: Bella Swan is a rising star in her new company, but ascending the corporate ladder is not exactly easy when you are trapped in an elevator. Rated M for language, lemons & flagrant use of snark.
Why Bbebar loves it:
What don't I love about this story!?!? A few days ago, I was perusing my list of to-read fics. If you're anything like me, your to-read list is a mile long and often overwhelming. While scrolling through, I saw a story with the title, Going Down? Hmmm I thought; that sounds promising! So, based on the title alone, I dove in.
This is where I'd like to take a moment to express my undying love and gratitude to whichever h00r out there rec'd this fic to me. I don't remember who it was or even how long this story has been on my list, but I thank you and TexasKatherine for bringing this awesomeness into my life.
Going Down? is the kind of story, that while only four chapters in, you know is going to be epic. I'm talking MoBS epic, people. That's heard me. TexasKatherine has written some of the funniest lines and wittiest characters I've ever read.
The story begins with Bella, who is on her way to work and determined to have a good day. She doesn't even let the drink thief at Starbucks, or the subsequent coffee incident turned youtube video bring her down! After working a full day, she prepares to leave like always. However, on this night, the elevator door opens and SHAZAM! Cue one gorgeous man by the name of Edward. Bellla is immediately tongue tied and only manages to squeak out, ""Are you going down on me? WITH me!" You can see where this is going right?
Just let me say...there is no slow burn here! You're not going to have to wait 20 chapters before Edward and Bella admit to their feelings and finally do the deed. In fact, how do secksie times that involve an elevator, a sports car, and a voice activated vibrator sound? Pretty effing fantastic, right?! That's what I thought.
But wait; there's a twist! Bella finds out, post bump and grind, that Edward has just been hired on as her new assistant. Hijinks ensue, but somehow Edward manages to convince her she's not going to be sent to prison. Good thing because these two literally cannot stay away from each other.
I'm exicted to find out where this story is going. Will Bella and Edward be able to continue working together and maintain a relationship? How long will they be able to keep it a secret from their co-workers? Will their instant chemistry be enough to devopment into something deeper? Will Bella succeed in reprograming her vibrator? Inquiring minds need to know!
Well, I for one am going to take it as it comes, because as Bella says to Edward, "I think... for once in my life I'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride." And I have no doubt that TexasKatherine will have me laughing the entire time.
Going Down?,
September 8, 2009
shackle_me: Chancing Fate by JMCullen09

Author Summary: After relocating to Forks with her parents to take ownership of the family store, Bella Swan meets an angry Edward Cullen - who happens to work at her parent's store, but not by choice. Both have secrets and pain. Is their meeting coincidence or fate? OOC
Why shackle_me loves it:
This was not the story I originally planned to rec this week. I was actually flip-flopping between two other stories and I thought I had figured out which one I was doing. That is, until I read Jess' latest update of Chancing Fate. Guh! Suddenly, I couldn't remember the other stories I had even planned to rec! Ok, so I'm mostly joking about that last part...those stories will just be recced later.
I'm not even sure where to start with this rec. It's no secret that I LOVE Jess and her stories. All of them. But there's something about this one that leaves me literally aching for more.
Bella has moved to Forks with her parents, who are taking over management of Higgenbotham's, a grocery store left to them by an uncle. We soon learn that it was almost a necessity that they take over the store, as Bella has recently received a heart transplant and her medical bills have basically wiped out the family's savings. Bella is very self-concious about her scar from the transplant, so she wears turtlenecks most of the time. But underneath her self-conciousness, Bella is a feisty one! Somewhat naive in my opinion, but feisty nonetheless!
Bella first meets Edward in Biology and he's less then welcoming. In fact, he's downright rude. Unfortunately for her, he's also an employee at Higgenbotham's, though clearly not by choice. Their first encounter is beyond awkward - Bella investigates some noises in a utility closet and finds Edward in a rather compromising position with Tanya. Yeah, I know. *Blech*
Edward (aka Intenseward) is VERY angry. And VERY volatile. And yet he's It's insane. I mean, can almost FEEL the anger rolling off of him when you read EPOV! That's how good Jess is at conveying what her characters are feeling. The thing is, Edward doesn't WANT to feel. He wants to be numb. (The reasons behind his anger haven't completely been revealed yet, but there's a story there and I'm dying to know what it is!) And unfortunately, Bella makes him feel all kinds of things...lust, anger, lust, jealousy...did I mention lust? ;-)
The UST in this fic is OFF THE CHARTS. Bella and Edward are obviously insanely attracted to each other, though they are both fighting valiantly against it. Edward is rude and mean and Bella doesn't let him get away with it. And defiant Bella seems to be quite the turn-on for Edward. UNF! He has a habit of backing her into shelves, walls, etc. and every time he does, I swear I'm about to spontaneously combust! Damn, I think I need to reread chapter 8...hallway...kissing...big...wait, what? What was I talking about? *fanning self*
Will Edward be able to stay away from Bella? Is he willing to FEEL again? Will Bella let him in? What about her scars? What about his? Do either of them even have a choice in the matter? Fate is a funny thing sometimes!
I should also note that Jess has a unique way of incorporating members of the Volturi into her stories. I won't tell you who it is or how she does it in this one, but just know that she does!
Seriously...if you're not reading Chancing Fate, you're missing out! I'm not reccing this just because I'm such a fangirl when it comes to Jess. I'm reccing it because it's THAT good. Trust me, you won't be sorry!
Why shackle_me loves it:
This was not the story I originally planned to rec this week. I was actually flip-flopping between two other stories and I thought I had figured out which one I was doing. That is, until I read Jess' latest update of Chancing Fate. Guh! Suddenly, I couldn't remember the other stories I had even planned to rec! Ok, so I'm mostly joking about that last part...those stories will just be recced later.
I'm not even sure where to start with this rec. It's no secret that I LOVE Jess and her stories. All of them. But there's something about this one that leaves me literally aching for more.
Bella has moved to Forks with her parents, who are taking over management of Higgenbotham's, a grocery store left to them by an uncle. We soon learn that it was almost a necessity that they take over the store, as Bella has recently received a heart transplant and her medical bills have basically wiped out the family's savings. Bella is very self-concious about her scar from the transplant, so she wears turtlenecks most of the time. But underneath her self-conciousness, Bella is a feisty one! Somewhat naive in my opinion, but feisty nonetheless!
Bella first meets Edward in Biology and he's less then welcoming. In fact, he's downright rude. Unfortunately for her, he's also an employee at Higgenbotham's, though clearly not by choice. Their first encounter is beyond awkward - Bella investigates some noises in a utility closet and finds Edward in a rather compromising position with Tanya. Yeah, I know. *Blech*
Edward (aka Intenseward) is VERY angry. And VERY volatile. And yet he's It's insane. I mean, can almost FEEL the anger rolling off of him when you read EPOV! That's how good Jess is at conveying what her characters are feeling. The thing is, Edward doesn't WANT to feel. He wants to be numb. (The reasons behind his anger haven't completely been revealed yet, but there's a story there and I'm dying to know what it is!) And unfortunately, Bella makes him feel all kinds of things...lust, anger, lust, jealousy...did I mention lust? ;-)
The UST in this fic is OFF THE CHARTS. Bella and Edward are obviously insanely attracted to each other, though they are both fighting valiantly against it. Edward is rude and mean and Bella doesn't let him get away with it. And defiant Bella seems to be quite the turn-on for Edward. UNF! He has a habit of backing her into shelves, walls, etc. and every time he does, I swear I'm about to spontaneously combust! Damn, I think I need to reread chapter 8...hallway...kissing...big...wait, what? What was I talking about? *fanning self*
Will Edward be able to stay away from Bella? Is he willing to FEEL again? Will Bella let him in? What about her scars? What about his? Do either of them even have a choice in the matter? Fate is a funny thing sometimes!
I should also note that Jess has a unique way of incorporating members of the Volturi into her stories. I won't tell you who it is or how she does it in this one, but just know that she does!
Seriously...if you're not reading Chancing Fate, you're missing out! I'm not reccing this just because I'm such a fangirl when it comes to Jess. I'm reccing it because it's THAT good. Trust me, you won't be sorry!
tg10781: Stigmata Tomato by BellaFlan

Author's Summary: Alert the Darwin Awards! Bella Swan, depressed and demented, nearly dies trying to kill herself & is shipped to Forks WA. Watch her update her facebook status and fall in love. WARNING: MA, very dark comedy. OOC w/ nod to canon , E/B some Jake , AH
Why tg10781 loves it:
BellaFlan is a BRILLIANT woman! She seamlessly combines tear inducing angst with snort inducing humor.
It’s the best of both worlds! I’m well known for being a bit ADD when it comes to reading. I crave something that has just enough angst to keep me interested and just enough humor to keep me smiling. That’s exactly what Stigmata Tomato has.
BellaFlan has an amazing ability to take you deep within the mind of someone suffering from different types of issues, and with Stigmata Tomato she doesn’t disappoint.
Each chapter begins with Bella updating her Facebook status. They range from “Killing myself” to “Engaging in Buttsecks”.
Stigmata Tomato is only 6 chapters in so far, but those 6 chapter PWN me!
And really how couldn’t it with lines like these: “Only I could manage to slip and fall onto a dull knife, effectively slicing through my arm. Of course, my drama-queen of a mother refused to listen to the voice of reason. It was just an accident. What kind of idiot would commit suicide by both cutting her arm open and giving herself a concussion?” AND “"You're Sex-hair's father!" I screamed. "Pardon me?" "Sex-hair! You know, Abercrombie swagger, bronze fuck-me hair and gorgeous as all fuck...what's his name?"”
So go read it! NOW!
Sorry… “"They gave me Ativan," I explained, "and now I have discharge."” ;)
Stigmata Tomato,
Bbebar: For How Long by Hayboo05

Official Summary: Sometimes the road you're on isn't the road that leads you to where you're supposed to be. Demetri controls Bella. A Cullen will help her make a new life. It can be that easy...right? BxE
Why Bbebar loves it:
Before I get to why I love this story, I'd like to get some things out of the way first. Yes, Rach (hayboo) is my twifey. I love her. I consider her to be a friend even though we've never met. However, none of these things is the reason why I'm rec'ing For How Long. I chose this fic for one reason only; it's amazing.
If you're reading Rach's other fic, At the Hip, then you're already familiar with how talented she is. She writes straight from her heart, and that honesty translates into her stories and characters. She makes you feel things, which in turn makes you invested.
I love For How Long because it is heartfelt, heartbreaking, honest, and hopeful all at the same time. The story revolves around Bella, who is married to her abusive husband, Demetri. Bella was raised in a privileged world where appearances were often important. We soon realize that just because things looked perfect from the outside doesn't mean they were perfect on the inside.
After living in an abusive marriage, Bella feels trapped and doesn't believe she has anywhere to go for help. Through a series of events, she meets Edward, who is a doctor. They have an instant connection. It still remains to be seen how this will develop as Rach is in the beginning of telling this powerful story. For How Long currently has four chapters; go read them. This is one journey you're not going to want to miss.
For How Long,
September 7, 2009
JMC: On My Own by littleclarestar

Author Summary: Reluctantly running the family house and estate on an island off the West Coast of Scotland, having inadvertently run it towards bankruptcy, ex Soldier Edward Cullen has help forced upon him by the bank, in the shape of one I Swan.
Why JMC loves it:
Despite the fact that it's amazingly well written, this story has a completely different type of Edward. This was the very first Kiltward fic I had ever read. I loved the fact that he was Scottish born, which is something entirely unique in itself.
This Edward is a strong character, but he has many flaws, which makes him more realistic. I love that he isn't perfect, because that's something we can relate to. When you have a character that is too perfect, the intrigue in them lacks. You get bored. He's sexy, he's smart, he's loving, he can be a total ass, but you love the complete package.
Bella's characterization is unique too. I love that littleclarestar makes her independent and strong. Those qualities are something a lot of Bella's don't have. She's fierce, and she's not afraid to hold her own against Edward. She's bound and determined that whatever she may feel toward him, she's going to do the job she was sent to do regardless.
Though the characterizations are so completely different from anything I've read prior, littleclarestar stays true to the connection SM's Bella and Edward share. They both try to fight it, though, given the circumstances they're under (Bella works for the bank that financed his home, so the fate of his estate lies in her hands), but it's undeniable. It's fate.
I can't stress enough how much you all should be reading this fic. It makes you feel so many emotions, but there's no doubt that once you start it, you become hooked. It's definitely one of my favorites.
September 1, 2009
Hayboo05: The Family Business by SuzsPetals

The Family Business by SuzsPetals
Author's Summary: Edward Cullen meets the girl of his dreams but keeps her at arm’s length due to his complicated, dangerous family life. When cruel irony brings them together again, he’s forced to make a devastating choice: Save her from a fate worse than death or save her from the family business. Definitely AU (Alternate Universe) It’s not for the kiddies.
Why Hayboo05 loves it: I LOVE this story because it's different while still being familiar. It's a completely different twist on Twilight and it's characters. The humor is fantastic and the details are wonderful. There are some pretty great lemons too but it doesn't loose the plot at all. If anything, every single aspect of this story just adds to its uniqueness. Suzs does an amazing job at keeping you interested and I'm so glad I started reading this story. It's definitely going down as one of my faves!
Rated: M,
The Family Business
Bbebar: McFearless by TeamBella23
Author's Summary: "This is all wrong, it even feels wrong but fuck, it feels good." A night of firsts for Edward and Jasper… Written for the Slash Backslash 2.0 Contest. AH/AU Rated M.
Why Bbebar loves it:
I decided for my first official rec to choose a story that completely owned me when I read it, as well as left me wanting more. So yes, as you can see, not only am I rec'ing a O/S, but a slash O/S at that! I know, I know...You're sitting there thinking out of all the fics to choose from, why did I pick a slash O/S? Well, since you asked... Those of you who follow me on twitter may have noticed my somewhat recent introduction into the world of slash, or boysexin, as I refer to it. Let's just say it was love at first read! (Who knew, right??)
One day, my lovely twitter bb, UNF4Rob, linked me McFearless, explaining that it must be read right away. Little did she realize, she had me at boysexin. (See?? I'm addicted!) I should tell you that prior to this, I had never read any of TeamBella23's fics. (Shameful I know!!) Therefore, I had no idea what to expect. I honestly can't believe what I was missing. I now refer to McFearless as my gateway drugfic to all things TeamBella23. (Case in point: I am now reading Aha Shake, Four Kicks, and Closer... soon to be followed by California Waiting and Revelry) This is why I have chosen McFearless for my first rec.
Not only will it demonstrate the brilliance of its author, but it will lead you right to her other amazing stories as well. McFearless is an Edward/Jasper fic. It's all kinds of sexy and literally laugh out loud hilarious. Those of you familar with my boysexin motto, "Two Peens Are Better Than One," will not be disappointed. Those of you who have not yet branched out into the slash ff world, I urge you to give McFearless a try. If you're like me, you'll be surprised at how enjoyable boysexin is; I'm talking UNF. And if you find yourself wishing McFearless hadn't ended quite so soon, well... you're in luck! TeamBella23 has plans to expand it into a longer story. Now, that's my idea of boysexin heaven.
By the way, I interviewed TeamBella23 earlier this week. Please give it a read; she's rocks hard. You can follow TeamBella23 on twitter @Teamsmella23
Rated: M,
JMC: The Education of Professor Cullen by sheviking

Author's Summary: College professor Edward Cullen is thoroughly annoyed by his student Ms. Swan. Everything about her bothers him, and he longs for the semester to be over. But what happens when he meets her one night when they aren't in school? Lemons and naughty language.
Why JMC loves it:
I love the naivety in Edward. He has an innocence about him that is endearing, comical and he makes you adore him from the very beginning. I love how sheviking interweaves his innocence, yet shows how mature and intellectual he is. Bella is spunky, attempts to be guarded, but she's sensitive in ways even she doesn't understand. And the way the two characters develop together, the way they support and teach each other, you can't help but cheer them on. They balance one another amazingly.
The lemons are fantastic, but it's so much more than that. The plot is beautifully crafted, and you can't help but fall in love with the story and its characters. I, for one, am very thankful I stumbled upon this fic.
shackle_me: The Art of Breaking by jdbeaner

Author's Summary: They were so different. Different goals, different friends, different worlds. Maybe even different gods... if he even believed in God. She didn't know. What she did know was that she wanted him... badly.
Shackle_me's Summary: Biblella and Badassward. 'Nuff said!
Why shackle-me loves it:
I love this fic because I love Bean! Well, that's not true. I DO love the Beaner, but I love this fic because it's a unique premise and Beaner is an excellent writer. This is her second fic, and the progress she's made as a writer is AMAZING. I really can't say enough about her or her writing!
In this story, Bella is attending a bible college called Northern University. She meets Edward when he stops to help her after she gets a flat tire on her way to a wedding reception. Little does she know that Edward (along with Alice and Jasper) is actually part of the catering crew at the same wedding reception. He calls her Pollyanna. She calls him jackass. Sparks fly.
Badassward assumes that Biblella is a 'good girl' because she attends Bible college. But I think Biblella is itching to break out of her shell and Badassward is just the man to help her do it. Her uber-religious, overprotective parents would like nothing more than for Bella to date good Christian boy Mike Newton, but Bella is having none of that. What happens when Biblella defies her parents and goes for it with Badassward? What happens when the bible college finds out what Badassward and Biblella have been up to?
It's only 4 chapters in, but I find myself impatiently waiting for Beaner to update. (You hear that, Bean??) Seriously, do yourself a favor and go read The Art of Breaking and make sure you leave Beaner some love! She is truly one of this fandom's best-kept secrets!
tg10781: If Only You Knew by ChiTwiGal

Author's Summary: Bella is a small town girl living in the big city. She will face life changing decisions. Will she choose wisely? If she chooses wrong, will she still be able to find love, happiness and peace? Yes, No, Maybe? A/H
Tg10781's Summary: Bella is a small town girl living in a big city. What lessons will she learn and what mistakes will she make? How do we make the right choice when we didn’t even know we had one?
Why tg10781 loves it:
Chitwigal is a wonderful woman and a terrific writer. IYOK is a very true to life type story. As much as we all want an instant connection and for all things to fall into place, those type of things just don't happen in real life.
I have the pleasure of being on the prereading team for this story, so I know a bit about what is to come. I promise that If You Only Knew will not disappoint.
Sophz456: How to Turn a Straight Guy Gay by Lou-La
Author's Summary: "My name is Jasper Whitlock, and I teach straight boys the pleasure of c*ck." EdxJas, obviously slash. Lemons, naughty words, the usual. M!
Why Sophz456 loves it:
I can’t actually remember how I came across this fic originally, but I am SO fucking glad I did, and I think you will be too.
I’m a fan of most things slash, especially Jasper and Edward slash, and when I read the title and summary for this fic, I automatically wanted to read it. It was so different to what I usually came across, and I had nothing else to do (except sleep), so thought “What the heck?”, and was hooked from chapter one.
Jasper starts off a little douche-y, I have to admit, but it’s justified, if you ask me. He’s gay, but he isn’t attracted to gay men. Weird, right? Instead, the only thing that really gets him off is going after straight men. He starts off as their friend, worms his way in, and then, quite literally fucks them and leaves them.
It sounds kinda shitty, I know, but Jasper’s likable from the get go, and his character’s seriously well developed, so when he meets his next target, Edward… Let’s just say sparks fly.
I could go on and on about this fic for ages, but I don’t want to spoil it for you all – I want you to find out for yourselves. It’s worth it, I promise.
So, if you’re a fan of slash, romance, drama or even just smut, this is a fic for you. It’s AMAZING.
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